AED 0.62 is the current value of Dogecoin in the UAE.
The above valuation date is 10th December 2021. On the same date in the year 2020, its price was a mere Dh 0.01 – that is more than a 5500% growth rate. That means a person who bought Dh 1 worth of coin will have Dh 5,500 now. The coin is high volatile – and for this reason, it is highly profitable. A Calculated move will have

Dogecoin is available in the UAE through certain cryptocurrency platforms operating in the country. It is a digital currency, more specifically a cryptocurrency. The coin can be transferred through the internet – i.e., it is traded or transferred online.
What is a meme coin?
Dogecoin was created in the year 2012 by two technology-savvy software engineers named Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. The coin was created for a fun purpose initially. It is designed with the image of a dog on one side giving a lighter appearance than a coin required. It is termed as first meme coin and dog encrypted coin. The meme coin means that it is not so serious about the business – but for fun purposes. It was strange to have an animal’s image on one side of a cryptocurrency – which makes people confused whether it is a serious business or not.

The dogecoin is a secured digital coin and like other cryptocurrencies, it can be transferred instantly over the internet. Other than the transfer of funds, the coin also has retail acceptability. Holders of dogecoin can buy products and services by exchanging them.

Other than its acceptability and safety, the main feature is speed. By just entering the receiver nickname or name and amount and a click – this much makes the transfer instantly. The growth rate of the coin is much faster than other digital coins.
Value of Dogecoin in the UAE