What is 1G 2G 3G 4G & 5G
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What is 1G?
1G is the short form of first Generation. 1G is the first category of mobile phone connectivity related transmission system. In this only voice calls were transmitted to and fro.

What is 2G?
2G is the short form of 2nd Generarion. It is the second level of mobile phone connectivity related transmission system. In 1G there was only voice calls avilable.

In 2 G the visual effect also introduced. Short Message Service (s) started with 2G. A mobile phone with a screen came into place instead of no screen mobile phones. To view SMS, screen is required. Even though voice feature was not there,
Pager – the smallest device came in to communication field with SMS only feature alongwith 2G.
What is 3G?
3G is the short form of 3rd Generation. It is the next level to 2G in mobile phone connectivity related transmission system. Here the internet data added to phone call and SMS. Also, the term Smart Phone came in to place.
Colour screen on mobile phone and gadgets were introduced. Also Tab, and laptops started receiving mobile data of 3G through Wifi and SIM cards integration.

It was the time when wireless transmission of data started.
The average data speed with 3G was 144kbps.
What is 4G?
4G is the short form of 4th Generation. After 3G, a highspeed internet data system came to communication world with the name LTE / 4G terms. With 4G, the cloud systm and Internet Protocol system started in communication systems.

The term mobile broad band also came into picture with introduction of 4G.
The average data speed with 4G was 25 mbps.
What is 5G?
5G is the short form of 5th Generation. It is the fastest data transfer system on wireless area. The newest and the driverless car system that requires heavy data transfer made possible with 5G. In short, it is unlimited Data Transfer with 5G.
Mobile phones and gadgets required to re structure with compontents compatible with 5G.

The average data speed with 5G is upto 400 mbps.
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- Kerala’s Future Network KFON.
- Advantages of Online and Offline Purchases.
What is 1G 2G 3G 4G & 5G