UAE Payments
UAE Payments
A Cheque is a physical form of financial document that is safer than Cash. A Cheque is made in a Special Paper by banks and financial institution who have license to do. It is comparatively a safer mode of payment or fund transfer than Cash. The beneficiary of the Cheque is the person or organization whose official name is written or printed on it. It is a literal order of making payment. It is issued by a person or company to another person or company for transferring fund written on it. The Cheque normally given in a book format to users by issuing banks. There will be multiple Cheque leaves in a Cheque book. A Cheque can be made more secure by crossing it. Two parallel lines on top left corner of the Cheque is called ‘crossing’

Also Read
- Read What is Cash?
- Read What is Banker / Manager Cheque?
- See What is a Pay Order?
- See What is Account Payee Cheque / Crossed Cheque?
- Know What is Crossing of a Cheque mean?
- Know What is an Order Cheque?
- Read What is a Bearer Cheque?
- Read What is an Open Cheque?
- See What is a Self-Cheque?
- See What is a Post-Dated Cheque?
- Know What is a Pre-Dated Cheque?
- Know What is a Stale Cheque?
- Read What is a Mutilated Cheque?
- Read What is a Travellers Cheque?
- See What is Telegraphic Transfer?
- See What is Letter of Credit?
- Know What is a Demand Draft?
- Know What is a Travel Card?
- Read What are the types of Travel Cards?
- Read What is a Branded Credit Card or Debit Card?
Must Know !!
UAE Payments
Klip is a cashless payment system of the United Arab Emirates. It is a digital cash platform that eliminates use of physical cash. Also it is a safe and secure mode of payment method as per the promoters Emirates Digital Wallet. It is by UAE’s Central Bank. The launch of Klip is in September 2020 by Emirates Digital Wallet and is test multiple times with different aspects to make it fool-proof. You don’t need to carry currency notes, coins or credit cards for making payments or even receiving payments. It is a safe mode of transaction system. Anything and almost everything can be purchased through it by making payments. It is very efficient too. Most importantly it is secure too. You can save money or even transfer too.